About «AitiMart»

The international digital depository «AitiMart» is a new generation electronic cryptocurrency service operating on the basis of artificial intelligence

Founded in 2022, «AitiMart» is a universal lending and deposit acceptance platform, brought to the highest possible technological level.

The international digital depository «AitiMart» allows some clients to remotely manage their assets and receive income from deposits, and other clients to apply for loans.

In order to become a client of «AitiMart», no identification, no guarantors or large funds are required. All you need to work with the international digital depository «AitiMart» is a personal computer or a gadget with an Internet access.

An account in the international digital depository «AitiMart» is opened in just one minute, after which regular daily income begins to accrue on the entire amount of the client's deposit.

The international digital depository «AitiMart» is a guaranteed return on all deposits: one percent for every full calendar day

The account in the international digital depository «AitiMart» is multi-currency, that is, it is denominated not only in US dollars, but also in a range of various cryptocurrencies. To top up the deposit, all leading cryptocurrencies in the world are accepted, as well as payment instruments from all popular global payment systems.

In addition, «AitiMart» allows you to do the following: make transfers between client accounts in US dollars, convert some cryptocurrencies into other or into US dollars, and also receive a daily guaranteed income without any investments - by participating in an affiliate cooperation program. You can find out more here.

The international digital depository «AitiMart» issues individual loans to its clients. All loans are issued without collateral - automatically, around the clock and remotely, with the minimum necessary information about the potential borrower. The decision on loan approval is made within 7 banking days. You can find out more here.

All client deposits on accounts in the international digital depository «AitiMart» have absolute protection

Firstly, this is a two-factor authorization system 2FA on the «AitiMart» website, when in order to authorize a client, in addition to the login and password, additional authorization is required via SMS or a special application on the client's mobile phone.

Secondly, all funds of «AitiMart» clients - in the form of cryptocurrencies, as well as deposits expressed in denominations of electronic payment systems - are at the complete disposal of the clients themselves. Each client has the right to withdraw money from the owned «AitiMart» account in any amount - at any time and at a client's own request.

Thirdly, in accordance with UK legislation, all funds of «AitiMart» clients - in the form of cryptocurrencies, as well as deposits expressed in denominations of electronic payment systems - are subject to full insurance coverage with a special deposit insurance program - at the expense of a special insurance fund of the AITI Tech Ltd company, placed in special bank accounts of the British bank HSBC Holdings Pls.

Thus, the international digital depository «AitiMart» is each and every client's own personal and independent «financial reserve system»

Today «AitiMart» is a universal system for accumulating and increasing savings, allowing you to guarantee a high, pre-calculated income; it is an online platform for remote lending, a convenient and modern tool for calculations, conversions and all types of exchange transactions.

Working with «AitiMart» does not require any special knowledge or skill. The client-depositor of «AitiMart» independently decides on the size and term of his deposit, and the client-borrower of «AitiMart» - on the size of the loan received. All settlements on the account of each «AitiMart» client are made in the deposit currency. Transfers between accounts of different clients within «AitiMart» are made in US dollars.