Bank debit and credit cards

As a full participant in the global financial system, the international digital depository «AitiMart» offers its clients the emission of bank debit* and credit cards.

It is well known that the main difference between a debit card and a credit card is that it is impossible to get a loan using a debit card. If a client of a financial organization - the card user - does not require borrowed funds, but rather needs a tool for funds storage and non-cash payments for goods and services, receiving transfers, payments and carrying out any other financial transactions, then such a client chooses a debit card.

Should a client need to get a loan, a client chooses a credit card.

Currently, the international digital depository «AitiMart» suggests credit card emission only for borrower clients who are approved for an individual loan. The agreement and terms of service for «AitiMart» credit cards are provided at the time of approval of the application for an individual loan - simultaneously with the provision of the loan agreement.

The bank debit card emission for clients of the international digital depository «AitiMart» is intended to be launched in the second half of 2024. In many respects, making a decision on the specific timing of the start of the issuance of debit cards will depend on the analysis of the financial performance of the international digital depository «AitiMart» for 2023.