About company «AITI Tech Ltd»

AITI Tech Ltd was registered in Hong Kong in February, 2022

AITI Tech Ltd provides its clients with the services in the field of individual lending, keeping and conversion of digital assets and cryptocurrencies, as well as deposits placement. Specifically, the company specializes in issuing loans to its clients while attracting client deposits at the same time.

A peculiarity of the company's activities is that it attracts deposits, accrues interest on them, and also withdraws funds not only in US dollars, but also in various cryptocurrencies.

Any person can become a client of the company, regardless of their country of citizenship or country of residence.

AITI Tech Ltd employs staff with many years' experience in the financial sector, specialists in the most advanced management systems, highly qualified experts in the field of modern technologies - such as the creation and management of artificial intelligence, the functioning of modern electronic payment systems and cryptocurrencies.

AITI Tech Ltd has a staff of 61 people. You can find out more about the company's management here.

The company's main management office is located in London, UK: 13 Hawley Crescent London NW1 8NP. You can contact the company administration here.

In its activities AITI Tech Ltd uses very latest achievements of technological progress

First of all, this is the intellectual and financial «core» of the company - a unique, specialized software product: the international digital depository «AitiMart», produced by AITI Tech Ltd's own developers, and controlled by artificial intelligence.

On the basis of «AitiMart», the company builds its daily work with clients, giving some clients the opportunity to remotely and effectively invest and receive income, and others to also receive loans remotely and successfully.

The uniqueness of «AitiMart» lies in the fact that all financial transactions for accepting deposits, converting within the depository and obtaining loans are carried out - at the client's discretion - through all known electronic payment systems and the vast majority of major existing cryptocurrencies. That is, any client of AITI Tech Ltd, when performing a particular operation, can choose the financial instrument, the specific electronic payment system or cryptocurrency that is most convenient for the client at the current time. You can read more about «AitiMart» here.

One of the main advantages of AITI Tech Ltd is the highest level of customer service which meets the most cutting-edge standards and thus is able to satisfy almost any customer need.

The international digital depository «AitiMart» is an ultra-modern, perfect in terms of ease of use and, at the same time, absolutely secure income generation system. This is a mobile and flexible tool for assets keeping, cryptocurrencies conversion and vast range of digital assets-related operations, as well as for successful capital growth. «AitiMart» is a universal algorithm that allows clients to get profit not only from the deposits they place, but also from the range of cryptocerruncy exchange operations - exchange rate growth and their timely conversion.

AITI Tech Ltd team consists of bright, talented and dedicated employees. Thanks to their efforts, the company continues to improve its activities, launches new financial products, and moves towards higher and more efficient financial results.